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Week #11/52: The Modern Poets, otherly pastoralism and brief visits to flickering worlds…

Penguin Modern Poets-Julian House-Broadcast and The Focus Group Investigate Witch Cults of the Radio Age-A Year In The Country-2
File Under: Trails And Influences / Year 2 wanderings

It’s a curious and intriguing process to wander through the fields of culture and to slowly connect backwards the roots, seedlings and pathways of work that you’re drawn to…

I have had a longstanding appreciation and case of being intrigued by the video work that (I assume) Julian House put together for the Broadcast and The Focus Group Investigate Witch Cults of the Radio Age album.

In particular #1: Witch Cults.

They leave me with a sense of wonderment, of wanting to know more, of wanting to see more, of wanting to step into the world they create…

…but 98 tickings of the clock + 129 tickings of the clock is their all and in a way that sense of being left wanting to know or experience more is part of what draws me to them…

Penguin Modern Poets-Julian House-Broadcast and The Focus Group Investigate Witch Cults of the Radio Age-A Year In The Country

A while ago I came across / was pointed in the direction of the Penguin Modern Poets series of books and something clicked.

They were like seeing the seedlings, roots and pathways that would become those flickerings and much of Mr House’s work.

A wandering through such things will cause one to discover a curiously stripped back, eerie or eldritch pastoralism and not that many steps to either side of their pathways will lead you to an almost chaotic swirling of some kind of psychedelia.

Which could well be in part a describing of the earlier mentioned flickerings…

Curiously, I recently saw quite a large set and gathering of these particular bindings and encasings sat on the bricks and mortar housed shelves of a local hand-me-down bookstore.

Penguin Modern Poets-Julian House-Broadcast and The Focus Group Investigate Witch Cults of the Radio Age-A Year In The Country-3 Penguin Modern Poets-Julian House-Broadcast and The Focus Group Investigate Witch Cults of the Radio Age-A Year In The Country-4-tuFor some reason, when presented with the physical actuality of the books, I didn’t want to possess them or even peruse them all that much.

Maybe it was connected to the appeal of that earlier mentioned sense of being left wanting to know more…

…and also it may have been in part a not wanting to break the interconnected enchantment of them by too close a perusal.


Interlinked pathways #2: You see I See.

Considerations of inceptive considerations around these parts Day #33/365: Broadcast and the Focus Group Investigate Witch Cults of the Radio Age and the recalibrations of past cathode ray stories…

Further intertwined brief worlds that I wish to step into courtesy of Mr House: #5: Day #167/365: Wandering back through the darkening fields and flickerings to imaginary soundtracks…

Stepping towards lysergic fields.


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