As part of an ongoing series… a further example of 3D homages to iconic figures and innovators within electronic music…
And in an ongoing, well, who wouldn’t want one of these manner…?
HeyKidsRocknRoll’s diorama of musician, inventor, composer and electronic pioneer Raymond Scott.
I particularly like just the standalone Clavivox (as invented by Raymond Scott)…
So, the family of such things so far…
(File post under: Other Pathway Pointers And Markers)
Directions and Destinations:
Extensive Raymond Scott information
The HeyKidsRocknRoll Raymond Scott Diorama
Local Places Of Interest:
Ether Signposts #2/52a: Delia Derbyshire Handmade Diorama
Ether Signposts #36/52a: Bob Moog Press Pop Figures And Synthesizer Discoveries
Ether Signposts #37/52a: The Raymond Scott Figure, Something Of A Growing Family Of Electronic Music Innovators And A Dream Center Where The Excitement Of Tomorrow Is Made Available Today